By jim richmond
No big surprise for anyone who knows Jim Haadsma, candidate for reelection to his second term for Michigan’s seat as representative of House District 62, serving Battle Creek, Albion, Springfield, townships of Bedford, Pennfield, Lee, Sheridan and nearby communities.
In a recent interview, Jim turned to the impact of the Covid-19 virus and those individuals and families he represents and serves, and the crisis many face, losing their jobs and their ability to feed their families; keep safe and healthy in the face of the virus.
Haadsma noted that he and his staff in Lansing have pulled out the stop – by interceding for nearly 1,000 District residents struggling to reach, get a call back or a decision about their unemployment benefits from a state bureaucracy caught largely off guard and unprepared for the deluge of people trying to apply for benefits.
Haadsma has always been about and for the people.
“Me personally, and staff members in my District office have responded, interceded to clarify with the State at times, helped our people. Most of them have been District 62 residents, put if they live in the area, we helped them,” he said.

Jim is known for being a 365-day-a-year supporter of individuals, families, social organizations in Calhoun County. He shows up, quietly participates, makes a difference in Battle Creek and the other somewhat urban and rural areas of House District 62.
“I love Battle Creek. It’s the hometown I never had,” Haadsma reflected. His parents were missionaries, and Jim recalls traveling and living with them as a youngster in Africa and many other foreign lands.
“But most of all, I enjoy listening and learning from people all across the District,” he added.
With many people already voting with mail-in ballots, Haadsma is a big cautious about the election outcome against opponent Dave Morgan.
But Haadsma hopes people will remember all he has accomplished for the District in the past two years.
With a family of four grown children, Jim said he still makes time – mostly in the evening – to practice as an attorney specializing in labor relations and worker compensation.
“I’m probably among the most conservative Democrats in the Michigan House today,” he laughed. "But constituent services, attending House sessions and House Committee work gets my priority."
Still he has his family, takes a bit of time-off to read, hike “and, oh, I love to sing Karaoke, too,” he added.
How fortunate we are to have Jim Haadsma representing us in Lansing. Let’s remember that Haadsma name in the polling booth on Tuesday, Nov. 3rd.
Haadsma for reelection.
Jim Haadsma For all of us.
NOTE: This article is exclusively the author's opinion. No compensation of any sort is reflected in this piece.
AT TOP: Jim with Kate and Mel Evans
IN ARTICLE: At the playground with Dawn DeLuca