Slow Those BCPS School Buses Down, Please
This afternoon, I was stopped at a traffic light behind a Community Action Agency of South Central Michigan (CAA) minivan.
A large painted notice on the back of the van, proclaimed: “How’s my driving? For a compliment or complaint, call (telephone #).”
I know bus and truck drivers hate snitch signs and often cover them with mud or scratch out part of the telephone #.
So this is my compliment to CAA for caring about how its employees drive, and for the safety of van passengers and the general public.
And while on the topic, here’s my raspberry to whoever is in charge of bus drivers at the Battle Creek Public Schools (BCPS).
Over and over this past winter, I watched as BCPS school bus drivers barreled over the Washington Bridge going 50 miles an hour, ran red lights, and ignored stop signs.
Thankfully, most of the time, the buses had no children aboard.
While the BCPS drivers might have a tight schedule getting our kids to and from schools, someone needs to tell them to s-l-o-w down.
And how about that CAA sign?