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Learning From Our Failures

200px-Santa-eop2.jpgLearning From Our Failures At This Christmas Time

As bad as things seem, for so many in America, at this Christmas, times WILL get better.  They almost always do, if we take one day at a time, and keep moving forward in life.

All the whining about the U.S. being in "death throes," mirroring the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, leaves me nothing but bored and depressed.

Who needs it? And, I don't believe it for a minute. 

Wasn't it just a few years back when we were ready to throw General Motors and Ford Motors into the trash heap of history?

Today?  I'll take a new Ford, for quality and technology,  over a Toyota, any day.

There's a grand tradition in this country of getting up off our ass*s, cynching up our pants, going back to work, and surprising people with our resilency, and our come-from-behind attitude.

We just like to bit*ch about things.

  • Orville Wright got kicked out of grade school.

  • Henry Ford went bankrupt four times.

  • The copy machine was rejected 10 years before the Xerox machine was finally introduced.

  • The fax machine failed when invented in the 1840s.

  • The Apple Newton PDA tanked when introduced; but many of its components are included in the tremendously successful I-Pad.

  • President Harry Truman had a lower popularity rating that Barack Obama – the joke of the day was: “To Err is Truman.”  Yet Truman went on to deal with the Korean War, the birth of the nation of Israel, created the Department of Defense – and is today considered one of our top 5 or so U.S presidents.

Merry Christmas.  Wanna join me in making it a good year?


  • Awesome Jim. Love it!!! I'm not going to b*#ch today at all!!!!!

  • Great Article!

  • we learn more from our successes than our failures,great information here.. In fact we, and all organisms, can only learn by making mistakes...keep posting.

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