Today is Phil Mickelson's 43rd birthday, as he leads the final round (by 1 stroke) of the U.S. Golf Open.
Many golf "experts" put Mickelson in only the top 15 or so of all time golfer greats.
He may not quite be a Tiger Woods or Jack Nicklaus to most people, but he's #1 on my list --- not just for his golf scoring, which is remarkable for this leftee.
But how he reflects the values of golf.
-- He's stood by and supported his wife through her breast cancer.
-- He's a family man who flies home, just for the overnight, and in the middle of golf tournaments to attend his kids' school events.
-- He loves and respects his golf fans, smiling, shaking their hands, giving them time and "hi 5s," signing autographs.
-- He never complains about his arthritis or has excuses for poor play.
And he's hit some of the most exciting golf shots ever.
So Happy Birthday, Phil. Hope you take it all at the Open today.
I can't think of another golfer who deserves it more on Father's Day than you do.